Star Wars: Obi-Wan

AV-015 [4156000f]
  • Status

    This title starts, but may crash or have significant issues.

  • Last Tested
    Jun 19, 2024
    Reported by Discord user: deadliestbridge#0
    created_at: 1718769768
    xbe_cert_title_id: 1279328257
    xbe_headers_sha256: 6b1e379687596d1fa490a2d9fe70cca5c218b57f9fe71e2764781af63f98ac4c
    xemu_version: 0.7.127
    xemu_branch: master
    xemu_commit: b4ce2b58d09baa6dfd17c0bcab2e505df9f310e4
    xemu_date: Sun Jun 16 00:21:49 UTC 2024
    os_platform: Windows
    os_version:  22H2
    cpu: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor             
    gl_vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    gl_renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070/PCIe/SSE2
    gl_version: 4.0.0 NVIDIA 555.99
    gl_shading_language_version: 4.00 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
    compat_rating: Starts
    compat_comments: Crashes on the Jin'Ha Swamp Level with an assertion failure in line 1903 prevoius versions hitting ignore would still load the level now it crashes the program
    _id: 66725869848854ec8c1c3bbb
    provided_by_discord_id: 273598449075748864
    provided_by_discord_name: deadliestbridge#0

Known Issues