Bloody Roar: Extreme

HU-001 [48550001]
  • Status

    This title is playable, with minor issues.

  • Last Tested
    Jun 29, 2024
    Reported by Discord user: ostrich_energy#0
    created_at: 1719666298
    xbe_cert_title_id: 1213530113
    xbe_headers_sha256: 0e4c8a1aee3210d9926d870b2050ab52de6aa6716d2875fad8f410e8209f7b94
    xemu_version: 0.7.127
    xemu_branch: master
    xemu_commit: b4ce2b58d09baa6dfd17c0bcab2e505df9f310e4
    xemu_date: Sun Jun 16 00:21:49 UTC 2024
    os_platform: Windows
    os_version:  23H2
    cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHz
    gl_vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    gl_renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2
    gl_version: 4.0.0 NVIDIA 552.22
    gl_shading_language_version: 4.00 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
    compat_rating: Playable
    compat_comments: Garphics: No major issues noted
    FPS: Slow mo effect throughout, 15-20fps
    Audio: Perfect but since FPS is slow, can cause slight delay in round  annoucnements
    Menus: All work
    Its playable but you have to work around FPS, so may not have the patience for it
    Playability rating: 60%
    _id: 6680067ad1a893c625c43f6a
    provided_by_discord_id: 1097622898711199775
    provided_by_discord_name: ostrich_energy#0

Known Issues