Forza Motorsport

MS-110 [4d53006e]
  • Status

    This title starts, but may crash or have significant issues.

  • Last Tested
    Jul 2, 2024
    Reported by Discord user: ostrich_energy#0
    created_at: 1719949528
    xbe_cert_title_id: 1297285230
    xbe_headers_sha256: c6eb32ada0d00453c9048f9b19815e53368e880afb455e382bf7786896c340c9
    xemu_version: 0.7.127
    xemu_branch: master
    xemu_commit: b4ce2b58d09baa6dfd17c0bcab2e505df9f310e4
    xemu_date: Sun Jun 16 00:21:49 UTC 2024
    os_platform: Windows
    os_version:  23H2
    cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHz
    gl_vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    gl_renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2
    gl_version: 4.0.0 NVIDIA 556.12
    gl_shading_language_version: 4.00 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
    compat_rating: Starts
    compat_comments: Graphics:  Only a grey outline of the track renders and the car's undershadows, like the game has been in development for 1 week
    FPS: Extremely low
    Audio: Music is the only thing that plays properly
    Menu: None of the menu texts displays, so it is like trying to rummage around in the dark. Dark models do actually load though
    Really bad and even worse than before. This should be Intro-menus but only on technicality of how the ratings system is word, am I abling this starts, because it does go in game
    _id: 668458d8d1a893c625c43f7a
    provided_by_discord_id: 1097622898711199775
    provided_by_discord_name: ostrich_energy#0

Known Issues