Top Blocking Issues

The following lists top issues by blocked titles.

TitleBlocked TitlesAffected Titles
#1098: Meta: Performance Issues35268
#904: Meta: Audio Issues 17148
#577: some games shadows are broken or missing854
#1137: Camera angle can tank performace617
#1016: Meta : Z ording issues419
#1020: Meta : Z Fighting228
#309: Menu Stretching/Distortion and/or Glitches in Games220
#576: Rendered text glyphs apparently offset in various titles27
#1099: Meta: Timing Issues23
#713: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x0ae* (Unidentified) unhandled23
#711: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x1d84 (Unknown?) unhandled23
#332: [Assertion] address < DSP_YRAM_SIZE23
#1940: Far Cry series: Resolution scale doesn't affect blur effects22
#1934: Far Cry series: Shadows don't scale properly and appear incorrect22
#1933: Far Cry series: Resolution scale breaks depth of field22
#1932: Far Cry series: Vulkan breaks bloom effects22
#1931: Far Cry series: Broken water rendering22
#1096: Brothers in Arms Seires Graphical issue22
#709: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x1d78 (glEnable(GL_DEPTH_CLAMP)?) unhandled22
#706: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x16bc (glEdgeFlag?) unhandled22
#704: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x09fc (Unknown?) unhandled22
#702: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x09f8 (Unknown?) unhandled22
#583: Brothers in Arms Series MMU fault causing the games to crash22
#579: Ultra Bust A Move and the Outlaw golf have an audio bug which freezes the game22
#979: Meta: Texture Sampling Misalignment 116
#1030: WIP Meta : Games which suffer from laggy FMV's18
#1837: Vulkan: Frame scaling/resolution issues causing distortion in some games14
#1838: Vulkan: Performance Issues13
#701: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x03b8 (3D_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_ENABLE) unhandled13
#1200: Some FMV's crash with glCheckFrameBufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) ==GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE12
#1198: Square boarders around crowd in PAM Development games12
#1013: Some titles don't have a frame cap12
#750: Ghost Recon 2 / Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike: Gamemode "Defend" is freezing the game12
#698: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x0380 (glLineWidth?) unhandled12
#1973: Forza Motorsport entire emulator hitching and freezing eventual crash11
#1970: Trigger Man: The environment doesn't render11
#1969: Night Caster II Equinox: Crashes after starting new game11
#1968: Pro Fishing Challenge: Crashes on launch11
#1967: SCAR: Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo: The game hangs on launch and doesn't reach menu11
#1962: DreamWorks Over the Hedge: Doesn't make it past the intro FMV's11
#1951: 007 From Russia With Love: Distortion artefact11
#1944: Robocop: Fails to start new game11
#1943: Robocop: Trying to skip intro cinematic will put game on infinite video loop11
#1919: Max Payne: black screen during comic cutscenes11
#1710: Project Gotham Racing 2: Stuttering/Low Frame Rate11
#1646: distorted loading screens, missing comic panels11
#1597: Max Payne: Sometimes loading next area results in crash11
#1582: Max Payne - no video on cutscenes for Steam Deck(linux)11
#1556: Sudeki has corrupt blinking textures on top of the screen when camera is showing the sky11
#1545: Forza rendering regression11
#1521: Dr Muto: Crash when starting new game11
#1426: Sudeki's UI and HUD not rendering correctly 11
#1376: Project Gotham Racing 2 : Low Frame Rate11
#1319: Project Gotham Racing 2: DSP error when having "Flythrough" disabled, restarting races or loading into online races11
#1280: Carmen Sandiego Secret of the Stolen Drums: Can't progress after first puzzle11
#1278: Psychonauts Graphical issues11
#1263: Test Drive Eve of Destruction - Blank screen playing game on M1 Mac. Only FMV works11
#1238: Steel Battalion : pgraph_bind_textures: Assertion `levels > 0' failed.11
#1196: Hack treating PVIDEO `size_in` of `0xFFFFFFFF` as end of overlay does not match HW behavior11
#1190: Flight Academy Crashes with a shader compilation fail11
#1189: Assertion : NHL 2002 unimplemented writable const register11
#1143: The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Severe lighting issue11
#1142: ProStroke Golf: World Tour 2007 Graphical Issues11
#1135: Karaoke Revolution Graphical Issues11
#1133: Torino 2006 Graphical Issues11
#1129: Wreckless - The Yakuza Missions - SoftLock11
#1124: Def Jam: Fight for NY Infine loading11
#1121: Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend Camera Issue11
#1120: Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend Menu Issue11
#1116: Double-S.T.E.A.L: The Second Clash Refection broken11
#1115: Secret Weapons over Normandy Graphical Issues11
#1114: Break Nine: World Billiards Tournament CPU Issues11
#1113: Double-S.T.E.A.L: The Second Clash Regression11
#1107: Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit Graphical issue11
#1065: Boxes around decals on Forza Motorsport11
#1064: Lag spikes on Forza Motorsport11
#1063: 007 From russia with love inconsistent framerate11
#1057: Avatar the last Airbender Graphical issues11
#1026: Thousand Land | Not Rendering Correctly11
#1009: 007 From Russia with Love: Lighting effect issue11
#1007: New Legends: slowdowns11
#1003: 007: Everything or Nothing bad performance 11
#973: Fatal Frame black lines next to the hair11
#928: Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II: Extreme slowdowns when menus/hud's are present in game11
#887: V-Rally 3: incorrect depth view11
#838: Sonic riders no shine/specular11
#822: Ultra Bust-a-Move: Hard lockup in demo and after intro11
#797: NFL Fever 2004: Game crashes on XBOX logo screen11
#747: Thrillville - Vertex explosions resolved by changing render scale11
#710: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x1d80 (Unknown?) unhandled11
#708: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x17c4 (glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, GL_TRUE)?) unhandled11
#707: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x1710 (3D_VTXBUF_VALIDATE?) unhandled11
#705: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x147c (glEnable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE)?) unhandled11
#655: [Amd/Intel] Knight's Apprentice: Memorick's Adventures Graphic bug11
#630: SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos: Run at 3 fps (very slow)11
#584: Rolling menus are broken11
#559: pfifo.c:424 assertion11
#549: Fatal frame 2 crashes the emulator11
#536: NHL Rivals 2004 Freezes after the first intro11
#389: Adding missing peripherals 11
#374: Psychonaunts: Floating point execption crash11
#326: [Assertion] surface->offset <= dma.limit 11
#325: F1 2002 crashes, (value & 0xFF000000) == 011

Top Issues

The following lists top issues by affected titles.

TitleAffected Titles
#1098: Meta: Performance Issues268
#904: Meta: Audio Issues 148
#577: some games shadows are broken or missing54
#1020: Meta : Z Fighting28
#309: Menu Stretching/Distortion and/or Glitches in Games20
#1016: Meta : Z ording issues19
#1137: Camera angle can tank performace17
#979: Meta: Texture Sampling Misalignment 16
#587: NV_PGRAPH_TEXFILTER_SIGNED not supported14
#380: [Assertion] segment_offset != 09
#1030: WIP Meta : Games which suffer from laggy FMV's8
#57: Visual artifacts along screen margins8
#576: Rendered text glyphs apparently offset in various titles7
#571: Some game don't render on intel Integrated graphics 7
#1051: Upscaling in snowblind engine games breaks shadows6
#1954: Splinter Cell series: Loading screen textures show corruption4
#1927: Splinter Cell series: Vulkan and resolution scale causes artefacts on the main menu text and background4
#1926: Splinter Cell series: Bloom effects don't scale properly4
#1837: Vulkan: Frame scaling/resolution issues causing distortion in some games4
#1833: Vulkan: Broken Texture Filtering on some games4
#1744: All Sims Games: Terrible FMV Intro Lag4
#1743: All Sims Games: Not Utilizing Full Screen Capabilities (always letterboxed)4
#1089: Rendering Scale for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004, 2005, 06 and 07 Is broken4
#1010: Some Games Shadow are streched4
#586: Some games lighting effects dont render correctly.4
#572: FMV have green Encoding artifacting4
#1838: Vulkan: Performance Issues3
#1698: Texture warping on macOS 3
#1109: FMV's don't render on nivida3
#1099: Meta: Timing Issues3
#1028: Some Games have Object artifacting3
#713: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x0ae* (Unidentified) unhandled3
#711: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x1d84 (Unknown?) unhandled3
#701: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x03b8 (3D_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_ENABLE) unhandled3
#332: [Assertion] address < DSP_YRAM_SIZE3
#1940: Far Cry series: Resolution scale doesn't affect blur effects2
#1934: Far Cry series: Shadows don't scale properly and appear incorrect2
#1933: Far Cry series: Resolution scale breaks depth of field2
#1932: Far Cry series: Vulkan breaks bloom effects2
#1931: Far Cry series: Broken water rendering2
#1925: Splinter Cell 1/Pandora Tomorrow: Shadows don't scale properly with OpenGL2
#1869: Otogi, Otogi 2: Crackling and Lagging Audio (100% Utilization) on Some Levels2
#1851: Black Stone: Magic & Steel Soft lock2
#1586: Star Wars Kotor blue "lamp" ingame issue2
#1481: Lego star wars 1 and 2 crashing2
#1382: Need for Speed Most Wanted/Carbon: bloom samples are offset incorrectly2
#1220: Black Stone Magic and Steel Broken Loading screen2
#1200: Some FMV's crash with glCheckFrameBufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) ==GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE2
#1198: Square boarders around crowd in PAM Development games2
#1140: Brian Lara International Cricket 2005 vertex explosions2
#1136: American Chopper Series Tree Glitch2
#1134: Syberia seires Graphical Issues2
#1096: Brothers in Arms Seires Graphical issue2
#1046: Silent Hill 2 Graphical issues2
#1013: Some titles don't have a frame cap2
#1011: Frame caps on xemu does'nt work correctly2
#997: Prince of Persia: Warrior Within/The Two Thrones: Post-process effects issue on AMD & missing interface elements on Intel2
#750: Ghost Recon 2 / Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike: Gamemode "Defend" is freezing the game2
#709: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x1d78 (glEnable(GL_DEPTH_CLAMP)?) unhandled2
#706: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x16bc (glEdgeFlag?) unhandled2
#704: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x09fc (Unknown?) unhandled2
#702: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x09f8 (Unknown?) unhandled2
#698: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x0380 (glLineWidth?) unhandled2
#697: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x0294 (glLightModel?) unhandled2
#595: Hunter The Reckoning + Hunter The Reckoning Redeemer missing fighting sounds2
#583: Brothers in Arms Series MMU fault causing the games to crash2
#579: Ultra Bust A Move and the Outlaw golf have an audio bug which freezes the game2
#575: Conker Live Reloaded Z-fighting issues when upscaling2
#521: Gauntlet Seven Sorrows and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 Audio bug2
#453: [Regression] Ninja Gaiden: Performance slowdown 2
#365: Blackened Texture Issues and Documentation2
#35: Linear textures are unhandled for various texture modes2
#34: Textures may extend beyond TOM2
#1975: R-Racing Evolution (USA): Crash while playing video1
#1974: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie: Water is rendered incorrectly1
#1973: Forza Motorsport entire emulator hitching and freezing eventual crash1
#1971: Splinter Cell 1: Flickering shadows1
#1970: Trigger Man: The environment doesn't render1
#1969: Night Caster II Equinox: Crashes after starting new game1
#1968: Pro Fishing Challenge: Crashes on launch1
#1967: SCAR: Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo: The game hangs on launch and doesn't reach menu1
#1962: DreamWorks Over the Hedge: Doesn't make it past the intro FMV's1
#1951: 007 From Russia With Love: Distortion artefact1
#1949: Star Wars Battlefront 2 split screen purple static/artifact issue1
#1948: Black: HUD, blur, godrays and other lighting effects don't scale properly.1
#1947: Black: FMV's play at a low framerate1
#1946: Star Wars: Battlefront - Ghosting around objects1
#1944: Robocop: Fails to start new game1
#1943: Robocop: Trying to skip intro cinematic will put game on infinite video loop1
#1939: Metal Gear Solid 2: Lasers, minimap lines and rain effects become less visible when increasing resolution scale with Vulkan1
#1938: Metal Gear Solid 2: Letterboxes don't render properly1
#1936: Goldeneye Rogue Agent: Bloom effects don't scale properly1
#1935: Goldeneye Rogue Agent: NPC shadows are broken1
#1930: Half Life 2: Vulkan causes artefacts on distant textures1
#1929: Half Life 2: Resolution scaling doesn't work in the intro cutscene1
#1920: Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex: Fahrenheit Frenzy X-Ray Segment Renders Effects as Black Silhouettes1
#1919: Max Payne: black screen during comic cutscenes1
#1910: Brute Force: Misaligned Collision Meshes1
#1905: Crash Nitro Kart: Performance Issues in Thunder Struck (Fenomena)1
#1898: Unreal Championship 2: Two maps don't load. (Used to be Unplayable Ladder Missions)1
#1867: TransWorld Snowboarding: Player shadows not rendered correctly1
#1865: Halo 2, Multiplayer maps, c579:... assertion failed1
#1864: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time: Incorrect rendering of water surface1
#1863: Title Name: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic crashing during character creator and empty text boxes1
#1853: Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance Vulkan Performance Issue1
#1852: Blade II shadows wrong colour1
#1850: NHL Hitz Pro visual glitch on the ice1
#1831: Vulkan: Shadow the Hedgehog - Random glitching of text within text boxes 1
#1830: Vulkan: Midtown Madness 3 - Graphic corruption on part of the Profile menu1
#1829: Vulkan: Hulk - Graphic corruption on top right corner of the pause menu1
#1828: GTA 3: Vertex Explosion/Clipping using Vulkan1
#1825: Game crashes when starting the level challenge1
#1819: Deus Ex: Invisible War: Periodic freezing1
#1799: Tenchu 3: Kaiki no Shou - Performance issue1
#1797: Tenchu 3: Kaiki no Shou - Performance and Texture Issues1
#1794: Counter-Strike: Audio lacks direction with DSP off, is virtually inaudible with DSP on.1
#1793: Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure: Sound levels are fixed at maximum1
#1784: America's Army: Rise of a Soldier: Black screen in main menu, and no pause menu.1
#1783: Dino Crisis 3 - Error on main/start menu if Resolution Scale is over 1x1
#1782: Counter-Strike: Some levels are extremely dark.1
#1776: Half Life 2 crashes my entire pc [Ubuntu]1
#1775: Batman Vengeance: Major Stuttering FMV Video Content1
#1771: Midtown Madness 3 - Artifacts when using screen scaling1
#1768: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind: Game of the Year Edition: Extended Black Text Box1
#1767: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind: Game of the Year Edition: Shimmering Edges1
#1766: TimeSplitters 2: Red Wave Background1
#1765: Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2: Purple Lines on Ground1
#1764: Crash Nitro Kart: FPS drops in Jungle Boogie1
#1763: Crash Nitro Kart: Edges of game not in line1
#1761: Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding: Performance Drop1
#1760: Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding: Instructions Overwriting Scores1
#1758: Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding: Off Kilter Menu1
#1757: Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding: Music too quiet compared to sound effects1
#1756: The Urbz: Sims in the City: Diminished Performance1
#1755: Burnout 3: Takedown: Shimmering bottom bar1
#1754: Burnout 3: Takedown: Music Volume is much lower than sound volume1
#1751: Burnout 3: Takedown: Black bars at top of screen1
#1750: Burnout 3: Takedown: Texture Misalignment/lines on ground1
#1745: Mashed: Fully Loaded: FMV Intro Video Lag1
#1742: Sid Meier's Pirates!: Menu off kilter1
#1741: Destroy All Humans!: Missing Ray Light1
#1739: The Punisher: Main character and enemy's shadows are mess up1
#1724: Pre-Rendered Cutscenes in Ninja Gaiden Black are stuttering and the audio is not synced very well1
#1712: GTA Vice City: Flickering Text1
#1710: Project Gotham Racing 2: Stuttering/Low Frame Rate1
#1705: No Paintball Gun Sounds in Greg Hastings Max'd1
#1704: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban EA-0761
#1691: Iron Phoenix: Ground texture problems1
#1689: Half-Life 2 : minor HUD artefact1
#1687: Jade Empire: Assertion failed1
#1685: Conker Live and Reloaded: Missing Character shadows on versions above 0.7.1151
#1682: World Series Baseball 2K3: Players have no shadows1
#1681: Grabbed by the Ghoulies: frame drops when hitting enemies1
#1679: Shadow Ops Red Mercury: Flickering Frames that end up in Segment Offset Error1
#1678: Amped Freestyle Snowboarding - Random Freezes on Steam Deck1
#1677: Beyond Good & Evil - Misalignments along edges of the screen and Jade's shadow1
#1674: Ninja Gaiden Black freezes on mission 5, but the emulator still works1
#1673: Star Wars: Obiwan Crash Issue in Swamps1
#1658: GTA Vice City: some textures not scaling up properly1
#1655: Midtown Madness 3: No Engine Sounds1
#1646: distorted loading screens, missing comic panels1
#1642: 25 to Life [Menu lobby glitch]1
#1641: DOOM 3: Berserk powerup screen effect causes black screen1
#1638: Matrix, The - Path of Neo (USA): Blurry in-game cutscenes1
#1634: Links 2004 water displaying incorrectly1
#1622: Dinosaur Hunting - Fog, dirt particles, and some water appear black1
#1619: FIFA 07 - Regression (Whole screen is solid green)1
#1615: Urban Chaos: body mapping and outlines on some objects1
#1614: Driv3r: Sunlight making Tanner and other story characters glow1
#1610: Silent Scope 2 crashes entire Silent Scope Collection1
#1609: Spikeout Battle Street - Damaged Disc Screen1
#1607: Metal Dungeon: Some HUD elements are not visible1
#1606: battlefront 2 splitscreen render distance and skybox issues1
#1604: Dead or Alive Xtreme : Yellow menu buttons1
#1603: Unreal Championship: Poor, inconsistent frame rate while in game, player shadows are squares, and visiting Content Download permanently breaks game1
#1601: Ninja Gaiden Black Ch.9 Freeze when Entering Tank Boss Arena1
#1597: Max Payne: Sometimes loading next area results in crash1
#1595: NHL Hitz 2002: Playable with major performance issues1
#1588: Prince of persia two thrones loading screen1
#1587: Group S Challenge (USA) - Wont Start Assertion Failed1
#1582: Max Payne - no video on cutscenes for Steam Deck(linux)1
#1578: Ninja Gaiden Black: Surface of Water Looks Weird1
#1577: Ninja Gaiden Black: Game crashes every 30min or so1
#1573: Yu Gi Oh! - The Dawn of Destiny: Images and dialog boxes are not displayed correctly with internal resolution greater than x11
#1570: Kung Fu Chaos - Crash after about an hour and a half of gameplay1
#1569: Rallisport Challenge 21
#1556: Sudeki has corrupt blinking textures on top of the screen when camera is showing the sky1
#1550: Breakdown: Graphics Regression1
#1549: Kungfu chaos black screen after title1
#1545: Forza rendering regression1
#1540: Fable: Random freezing during gameplay1
#1538: Galleon [USA] Cutscene not showing correctly1
#1536: Burnout 2: Slow Gameplay1
#1528: Soldier Of fortune 2: Double Helix Euro1
#1526: ESPN NFL 2K5: Player Model Bug1
#1522: Vexx: Crash in Timberdale tower1
#1521: Dr Muto: Crash when starting new game1
#1517: Frequent freezing: Call of Cthulhu Dark Corners 1
#1512: Pirates of the Caribbean: Jungle istance crashes. inlinte_elemnts_length is greater than NV2A_MAX_BATCH_LENGTH. Main quest broken.1
#1501: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory: UI menu and HUD elements not visible on Steam Deck.1
#1500: gauntlet: dark legacy snapshots issues1
#1474: Crazy Taxi 3 High Roller: Launches to black screen on Steam Deck1
#1468: Shrek: shadow issues1
#1466: MTLCompilerService crash upon startup, slow performance and missing effects1
#1446: Gunvalkyrie black screen if save game data is present.1
#1443: Rayman Arena1
#1440: Conker's BFD: NPC and playable character does not render at all1
#1438: ToeJam And Earl lll: Mission To Earth: UI and other 2D elements are off center1
#1433: puyo pop fever1
#1426: Sudeki's UI and HUD not rendering correctly 1
#1424: Futurama Texture issues1
#1422: TimeSplitters Future Perfect Weapon Lag1
#1409: Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic: Game save corruption1
#1407: GTA: San Andreas1
#1405: Blinx 2 - Masters of Time & Space - Ocean water in first stage is the wrong color1
#1399: State Of Emergency: Frame Drops1
#1393: Game Cutscene Seems To Stutter/Lag!!!!1
#1390: Kotor 2 T3M4 Black Screen bug1
#1389: SSX On Tour1
#1384: JSRF - Jet Set Radio Future: Graphical Issues on macOS*1
#1383: Sid Meier's Pirates!: Memory Leak1
#1380: [RalliSport Challenge 2] Trees, waterfalls and dust flickering/popping in and out of existence1
#1379: [RalliSport Challenge 2] Vertex explosions in a specific part of Sweden tracks1
#1378: [RalliSport Challenge 2] Few crashes towards the end of the Pro championship1
#1376: Project Gotham Racing 2 : Low Frame Rate1
#1374: Spider-Man 2 - Graphical Issues (Steam Deck)1
#1373: Codename: Kids Next Door - No cutscenes (Steam Deck)1
#1372: Scooby Doo Night of 100 Frights Graphical Issues (Steam Deck)1
#1371: Crash Twinsanity - Graphical Issues (Steam Deck)1
#1368: [Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban] Shadows are broken or missing1
#1363: Spartan Total Warrior FPS & Cutscene Black Bars Issue1
#1359: Spider-Man The Movie Game Lag Issue1
#1356: Kingdom Under Fire Hero's (Assertion + Water Texture Bug)1
#1336: Breakdown: shader issues/clipping/glitching1
#1326: Shin Megami Tensei Nine HD Menu graphical issue1
#1325: broken upscaling Soul Calibur 21
#1319: Project Gotham Racing 2: DSP error when having "Flythrough" disabled, restarting races or loading into online races1
#1313: Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Rings: game keeps crashes at startup when trying to boot from dashboard1
#1305: Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball: Broken/Unplayable1
#1303: Rallisport Challenge: Audio Corruption1
#1302: Mechassault: Misson 3 fails to load1
#1296: Kung Fu Chaos on Steam Deck 1
#1294: UC2: Unplayably low framerate on Steam Deck/Linux1
#1293: RLH: Emulation crashes immediately on character movement1
#1292: SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikini Bottom: Animations are slower than hardware1
#1288: Dead or Alive 3: missing specular effects on character models1
#1287: Syberia: Game logic issue (framerate drops to 1 FPS)1
#1284: SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikini Bottom: Inaccurate bowl movement speed1
#1283: THPS 2X: Fonts half missing.1
#1280: Carmen Sandiego Secret of the Stolen Drums: Can't progress after first puzzle1
#1278: Psychonauts Graphical issues1
#1273: I-Ninja camera Issue1
#1271: Xyanide freezes while loading second level1
#1267: Burnout Revenge : Broken Splitscreen1
#1266: Burnout 3 - Embedded Video and menu high latency1
#1263: Test Drive Eve of Destruction - Blank screen playing game on M1 Mac. Only FMV works1
#1256: Jet Set Radio Future: Gap top and left side of UI and Blackbars1
#1251: I-Ninja slowdown on logos and FMVs + Menu UI not displaying at all1
#1250: 007 nightfire visual glitches 1
#1248: Burnout 3 Takedown: car selection ui bug1
#1246: GTA San Andreas Characters' shadows bug1
#1243: Pac-Man World 3 Graphical Issue1
#1242: Pac-Man World 2 Shading Issues1
#1241: Pariah Graphical Issues1
#1240: Mega Man Anniversary Collection Graphical Issues1
#1238: Steel Battalion : pgraph_bind_textures: Assertion `levels > 0' failed.1
#1237: Halo 2: Bad performance in splitscreen1
#1231: Malice Graphical Issues1
#1230: Malice Menu Issue1
#1228: Motor Trend Presents Lotus Challenge Graphical Issues1
#1227: Dino Crisis 3 - Assertion Failed Error1
#1226: Kill switch Fmv issues1
#1223: Almost Black Screen on Mac M1/Steam Deck (rdna2) and Intel iGPU - Burnout31
#1222: Jaws: Unleashed Loading screen issue1
#1221: SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom: Steam Deck - Green Line/Missing Bloom and Performance Issues.1
#1219: Ninja Gaiden Black: Chapter 8 '' Tairon Under Alert''1
#1214: Jaws Unleashed Fmv issue1
#1213: Judge Dredd Dredd vs Death Freeze1
#1211: Oddworld strangers wrath "disappearing / transparent" textures1
#1210: Godzilla: Save the Earth Graphical Issues1
#1209: Frogger beyond Graphical Issues1
#1208: Hitman: Blood Money bloom issue1
#1207: Hummer Badlands Graphical Issues1
#1205: Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick Graphical Issue1
#1204: Enter the matrix graphical issue1
#1203: Gladius (PAL): Illegal DSP instruction 0x05191
#1202: Defender FMV's Issues1
#1201: Constantine Graphical Issue1
#1199: NFL Fever 2003 Vertex explosion1
#1196: Hack treating PVIDEO `size_in` of `0xFFFFFFFF` as end of overlay does not match HW behavior1
#1192: WWE Raw 2: slow emu speed and real-time DSP audio issue1
#1191: Phantom Dust: xemu hangs during cutscenes1
#1190: Flight Academy Crashes with a shader compilation fail1
#1189: Assertion : NHL 2002 unimplemented writable const register1
#1185: Breakdown: FMV's have a color tint1
#1184: Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon FMV flicker1
#1183: Disney's The Haunted Mansion FMV Flicker1
#1177: Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII Graphical Issues1
#1175: Full Spectrum Warrior loading screen broken1
#1174: Full Spectrum Warrior Broken Upscaling1
#1167: Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt: freeze in Once Upon a Time's minigame1
#1166: Phantom Dust: Random freezes1
#1165: Stake: Intro FMV blinks between uninitialized data and movie frames1
#1164: Animaniacs: The Great Edgar Hunt: Water gets rendered as solid black1
#1163: Panzer Dragoon Orta: Performance regression1
#1161: Burnout 2 Graphical Issues1
#1160: Burnout Graphical Issues1
#1158: BloodRayne 2 Pixel offset Issues1
#1156: Big mutha trucker Graphical Issue1
#1155: Big Bumpin' Menu FMV only render once you been In-game1
#1154: Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 Sky flicker issue1
#1143: The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Severe lighting issue1
#1142: ProStroke Golf: World Tour 2007 Graphical Issues1
#1141: Jikkyou World Soccer 2002 Intro Issues1
#1139: Crime Life: Gang Wars - Floor not rendering correctly1
#1135: Karaoke Revolution Graphical Issues1
#1133: Torino 2006 Graphical Issues1
#1130: Motocross Mania 3 viewport issue1
#1129: Wreckless - The Yakuza Missions - SoftLock1
#1125: Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade Grapical Issue1
#1124: Def Jam: Fight for NY Infine loading1
#1121: Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend Camera Issue1
#1120: Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend Menu Issue1
#1118: Blinx 2: Idle cutscene on start menu freezes and loops audio1
#1116: Double-S.T.E.A.L: The Second Clash Refection broken1
#1115: Secret Weapons over Normandy Graphical Issues1
#1114: Break Nine: World Billiards Tournament CPU Issues1
#1113: Double-S.T.E.A.L: The Second Clash Regression1
#1110: Crash 'n' Burn Graphical issues1
#1108: Bionical Menu Issue1
#1107: Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit Graphical issue1
#1104: MotorGP:Ultimate Racing Technology 3 Graphical Issues1
#1101: Tenchu 3 shadow issue1
#1100: Cold war graphical issues1
#1097: Xyanide menu artifacts1
#1095: Nba Jam graphical issue1
#1088: ESPN College Hoops - Menu Letters Turn Into Blocks1
#1071: Conflict - Global Terror: Graphical issues. Characters and items rendering through walls, invisible weapons1
#1070: Triangle Again 2 - Start Screen Bug1
#1069: The Warriors: Freezing in Rumble Mode on specific map1
#1065: Boxes around decals on Forza Motorsport1
#1064: Lag spikes on Forza Motorsport1
#1063: 007 From russia with love inconsistent framerate1
#1060: Metal Arms: Glitch in the System Shadow Transparency/Fade Issue1
#1058: Gun Valkyrie: Major Slowdown when boosting1
#1057: Avatar the last Airbender Graphical issues1
#1052: Eggo Mania Graphical issues1
#1050: Batman dark tommorrow graphical issues1
#1048: Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel Graphical issues1
#1047: Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth video playback issue1
#1043: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Graphical bug1
#1042: Timesplitters: Future Perfect - FPS drop when using the gun1
#1041: Classified: The Sentinel Crisis Graphical bug1
#1040: Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 1 sprite misalignment1
#1032: Genma Onimusha:res scale does not work for 3D objects1
#1029: XEMU resolution scaling prevents Metal Arms from booting1
#1026: Thousand Land | Not Rendering Correctly1
#1025: Murakumo: Renegade Mech Pursuit | Graphical glitch: Yellow Lines1
#1022: Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf Intro Loop/ Fail to play1
#1014: Dino crisis 3: Graphical Issue1
#1009: 007 From Russia with Love: Lighting effect issue1
#1007: New Legends: slowdowns1
#1003: 007: Everything or Nothing bad performance 1
#998: Deus Ex: Graphic bugs on direct boot1
#996: Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Remix - Full bright white headlights1
#995: Jet Set Radio Future: FPS drops on boost on SteamDeck1
#993: Blinx Upscale artifacting 1
#991: Ninja Gaiden Black: Intro video does not render on M1 mac1
#988: Shenmue II: Graphical Bugs1
#987: Dennou Taisen DroneZ: Sound Issue1
#984: NFL Primetime 2002 - Invisible Pitch1
#980: Reign of Fire: Glitched Lighting and Shadow effects1
#976: The House Of The Dead 3: Texture issues1
#973: Fatal Frame black lines next to the hair1
#972: Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 graphical glitch1
#964: Deadly Skies : Emulator crash when enemy attack you with missile1
#959: Predator Concrete Jungle: Black ground depending on camera position1
#952: Halo 2: HUD UI Elements Missing1
#951: Splinter Cell broken water rendering 1
#950: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow fire effects cause artefacts 1
#949: Splinter Cell: Double Agent resolution scaling not working properly in single player1
#948: Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow shadows don't render properly 1
#943: Voodoo Vince: Models, textures and sprites do not render correctly1
#940: SoulCalibur II: Regressed Performance with Renderscale > 11
#929: Tenchu Return from Darkness: Stuttering Videos and Audio1
#928: Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II: Extreme slowdowns when menus/hud's are present in game1
#916: Segfaults in Conker: Live & Reloaded1
#887: V-Rally 3: incorrect depth view1
#878: House Of The Dead 3: Black screen in game1
#875: Need for Speed: Most Wanted - Rain bugs1
#873: Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones: Bloom issue1
#871: Splinter cell chaos theory Versus: grey flickering while using torchlight near raindrops.1
#866: Halo: Combat Evolved weird lines following game objects1
#865: Halo: Combat Evolved Visual Water Texture Bug1
#859: The Godfather The Game: graphical issue1
#858: Blinx 2 Masters Of TIme and Space: Sweepers 3 crash1
#856: Star Wars Revenge of Sith green bars in fmvs1
#838: Sonic riders no shine/specular1
#828: Quantum Redshift: Depth/Clipping Issues1
#823: Splinter cell pandora tomorrow: Character is not visible1
#822: Ultra Bust-a-Move: Hard lockup in demo and after intro1
#812: Fable: audio lags for video intro1
#811: Colin mcrae rally 3: slowmotion in cockpit view1
#799: Serious Sam: glitching during the name entry screen (due to race condition)1
#797: NFL Fever 2004: Game crashes on XBOX logo screen1
#784: Ninja gaiden black particle effects glitch1
#783: Ninja gaiden black specular and bloom effects of skin and armor are missing1
#779: The Fairly Oddparents: Breakin' Da Rules: Visual bugs with the trees1
#775: nv2a: Warning unimplemented feature: Same color & zeta surface offset1
#760: CoD Finest Hour freezes1
#758: TC: Streets of NY M1 Max Rendering issues1
#747: Thrillville - Vertex explosions resolved by changing render scale1
#740: Halo 2 not properly rendering some areas and areas flickers1
#731: Dark Alliance 2: Long Loading Times1
#729: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind: GOTY Edition: player inventory screen rendering bug1
#728: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind: GOTY Edition: crash when sleeping on a bed (under specific circumstances)1
#725: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind: GOTY Edition: water is bugged, shows up in a grid pattern1
#715: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x1480 - 0x14fc (3D_POLYGON_STIPPLE_PATTERN?) unhandled1
#710: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x1d80 (Unknown?) unhandled1
#708: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x17c4 (glLightModeli(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, GL_TRUE)?) unhandled1
#707: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x1710 (3D_VTXBUF_VALIDATE?) unhandled1
#705: nv2a 0x97 -> 0x147c (glEnable(GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE)?) unhandled1
#682: 007: Nightfire Doesn't play Video and blacks out (Macbook)1
#679: MagiDeathFight! has broken textures when first character select screen1
#666: Mechassault: water doesn’t seem to be right1
#665: Counter Terrorist Special Forces: loading animation corrupts title screen1
#659: Halo CE: slow downs on some visual effects.1
#655: [Amd/Intel] Knight's Apprentice: Memorick's Adventures Graphic bug1
#652: Pirates: The Legend of Black Kat - FMVs are rendered as side-by-side duplicates1
#640: Rallisport Challenge 2: Water rendering bug 1
#639: Rallisport Challenge 2: High Sound FX levels 1
#632: Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO: Some visual elements are missing 1
#630: SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos: Run at 3 fps (very slow)1
#621: Jet Set Radio Future: Lighting Issue1
#619: Shikigami no Shiro 21
#617: Title Name: Kakuto Kojin1
#602: Bug: Issue with scaling some objects and or textures1
#598: C.A.T: Cyber Attack Team: Texture sampling Issue1
#584: Rolling menus are broken1
#566: Star Wars: Obi-Wan crashes with ((seg_spb + 1) == samples_per_block)1
#563: Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball1
#559: pfifo.c:424 assertion1
#549: Fatal frame 2 crashes the emulator1
#544: Pirates of the Caribbean menus Artifacting1
#543: [Intel/Linux] The wild ring Intro and title screen background does'nt display1
#536: NHL Rivals 2004 Freezes after the first intro1
#531: Neighbours From Hell Glitched FMV's + Slow-mo glitch + Audio glitch1
#526: Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO: Sound effects and voices are missing 1
#524: Halo 2: Flickering/depth issues on Apple M1 Macs1
#523: Halo: Cortana flickering1
#493: Dead or Alive 3: Performance drops to half speed on any stage with character reflections1
#480: Project Gotham Racing running in severely low frame rates1
#472: Super Monkey Ball Deluxe: cutscenes not rendering1
#460: Burnout 3 Takedown: Broken Splitscreen1
#448: True Crime: New York City - Background/Low Detail objects render in front of all other 3D.1
#444: Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2: xemu may crash when entering gameplay in Proquest mode1
#436: [Regression] Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Performance slowdown1
#433: Crash Tag Team Racing surface scaling does not work correctly1
#429: Arctic Thunder: Emulator Reset upon loading a course (Mac M1)1
#425: Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance - no picture on Mac M11
#423: Shenmue 2: Assertion failed!1
#417: Castlevania - Curse Of Darkness: Game Not Affected By Increased Resolution Settings 1
#410: (Regression) Genma Onimusha: Title Screen And Gameplay Do Not Display In Linux1
#403: (Regression) Dinosaur Hunting: On Linux, Game Crashes With Segmentation Fault Error 1
#400: Metal Wolf Chaos: Texture Issues When Viewing Some Objects Up Close, From The Sides, Etc. 1
#389: Adding missing peripherals 1
#374: Psychonaunts: Floating point execption crash1
#361: Airforce Delta Storm/Deadly Skies: Hangs when Certain Audio Plays1
#359: The Hobbit: Main character sometimes invisible1
#357: Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2: Street Fighter II Champion Edition is running slow1
#335: DOAX: Black screen on initial video1
#326: [Assertion] surface->offset <= dma.limit 1
#325: F1 2002 crashes, (value & 0xFF000000) == 01
#310: xemu crashes upon idling for a period of time1
#290: Halo 2 Game Version 1.5 softlocks at random1
#229: [Bug] Halo 2 Missing Skybox?1
#84: Shader Linking / Out of Resource Issue1